Monday, August 17, 2009

Can I brag just a little?

This really is the worst kind of bragging because I personally haven't done anything. Sam has some God (and birthparent!) given talent none of which I've contributed to. I did, though, go through all the uniforms before distribution to make sure he had the best fitting one.

The other night at soccer I was taking pictures of my little soccer star (the one's where the kids are wearing red) and a grandparent commenting on my little photography session asked me if I'd gotten a shot of the goal Sam had just scored. I hadn't but unfortunately I engaged mouth before brain and responded "no, but that's all right; he does that all the time." It was true but I didn't mean to be that flippant and rude. I try to show (and teach Sam) a little humility. It's hard though. ALL the other parents marvel at his skills. People whisper about him on the sidelines - he's that good! He plays like a kid MUCH older than he really is (as evidenced by the fact that last winter at 4 he was moved to the 5/6 indoor soccer class because the coach said if he didn't move him he'd use the other kids as pylons). I know he's only five but I'm excited to see what comes next.

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