Friday, October 21, 2005

The Connundrum that is my little man

I don’t understand Sam sometimes. Today I gave my fridge a much needed cleaning. Our family room adjoins our kitchen. The family room is full of toys and fun things. The kitchen … nothing but danger so where does Sam like to play? So We barricaded him in the family room (two chairs blocking the opening not covered by the couch). The squeezed himself between the chair and the play kitchen that was blocking his way and screamed and cried until I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was 4 feet away from him at most the whole time. Chatting with him etc. He wasn’t ever alone. When I couldn’t handle the shrieking and crying anymore I picked him up and put him in his high chair with a plastic cup. He sat there for the next half hour completely content with NOTHING to do and further away from me than he had been in the two overflowing family room. I don’t understand.

He’s in the oddest mood today. He ended up going to bed with no supper at 6 pm. He normally naps 3 – 4 hours in the afternoon. Today he barely slept for two and despite trying to rock him back to sleep twice was having nothing to do with his nap. He also wanted nothing to do with his dinner although the moment we would take him out of his chair he would sign that he was hungry and cry his little heart out. We tried to give him dinner 3 times before we gave up and decided that if all he was going to do is scream it was best to put him to bed. He went down immediately and has been silent since. Super early for him to go down though (6 pm). Don’t know what is going on there. Similar thing last night though. I’m taking comfort in the fact that he ate enough for lunch to keep a linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys content.

On a good note he is becoming quite the conversationalist. :) He is really doing well signing. He’s got about 15 signs which is pretty much what his lazy parents have attempted to teach him. I have to go online and find some other words that he could use. He comments on things now rather than just asking for things. He is also really proficient with the please and thank you it’s very cute to see. He’s also quite a prankster. He’s got a good sense of humour. For instance he was teething pretty seriously over the past weeks and lived with one hand of the other ALWAYS in his mouth. Lately, as his teeth are pretty much in we’ve been trying to break this new habit. So we tell him when we see him wandering around with his hand in his mouth to take it out. He will look at you full in the face and grin and then pretend to put it back and then laugh at you. Too cute. He “challenges” that way pretty much with anything you tell him not to do. I’m sure it will be annoying eventually but right now it’s just neat to watch his mind work that way. In my opinion it’s also a demonstration of sorts that he is beginning to understand that his actions have consequences. This is wonderful considering the pestering worry that he might have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or worse (if there is a worse).

Took some shots of the kids in the bath earlier this week. I really love this one of Sam, it really catches his personality.

Okay I'm going to rant again a little. Sam's birth-grandmother is driving us insane, slowly but surely. We have tried to be compassionate. She wanted to come for Sam's baptism which was in last month. We thought it was kind of soon (after placement) for a visit but we reluctantly went along with it because he seemed to be adjusting all right and we wanted to be nice. The day before she called and said she wasn't coming because she had to work. Okay. She said she would maybe come the following weekend. The next weekend we put everything on hold for her and never heard from her. Then later the next week she called and said that it looked like a weekend wouldn't work because she kept getting called to work and asked about coming mid-week we said sure and then we waited; a week went by; then two. Then she said she was coming so we cleared our schedule, prepared ourselves, made plans, rented a mini-van (we all can't fit in our car-seat filled SUV) got all nervous and ... nothing (she was supposed to call earlier in the week to provide details). Didn't hear from her so I had Daniel call her the night before she was due and no she decided not to come (she had to go "home" because of problems with Sam's birthmother). Sigh. Okay, I know this will be hard for her but it's not as if we are forcing her. If she doesn't want to come tell us and don't come but don't keep us on a hook like this. Daniel told her when he called that Kamryn's birthfather has made plans to come in November and that he will take precedence (he's coming from farther away AND he doesn't keep changing his mind) if they both plan on coming the same week. To make matters worse, she insisted on buying Sam a snowsuit for this winter. She said she would bring it when she came ... ummmm it dips below freezing every night now and he still doesn't have a proper winter coat because we are waiting on her. I feel bad that he's going to end up with two coats because soon I'm going to have to go out and buy him one anyways. Daniel says that she implied during their last conversation that she might put it in the mail to arrive before Halloween. Let's hope. For now he can wear Kamryn's old jacket but it's lilac and I'm a little embarassed for the kid wandering around his is older sister's girly hand-me-down.

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