Monday, July 27, 2009

Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!

I wonder how much lumber it would take to build an ark and if the credit limit on our Home Depot card would cover it.

I'm going to talk about the weather. Oscar Wilde may have dismissed talk about the weather as "the last refuge of the unimaginative," so call me unimaginative but this really sucks.

I l know there are parts of the world dealing with real weather problems and this is by no means a real problem (for me a non-farmer, the farmers here are in deep trouble). That doesn't stop it from being a major drag. More so if you're 7 and 5 and supposed to be outdoors 24/7 having the summer of your life. The kids are in the basement right now. In the heart of summer vacation and as nice a basement as it is, how depressing is that?

It is not raining at this very moment - alleluia! However, we began the day with thunderstorms and it is dark enough right now that all the lights in the house need to be on so more rain isn't far off. Oops I lied. It is indeed pouring - I just didn't realize it.

It rains every bleeping day. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Normally a lot. It's always "about to rain." Which makes activities difficult to schedule and disappointments (as promised excursions get cancelled when the heavens open up) many. On Friday the city took the rare measure (further research shows its not all that rare - they've done it 4 times this season; it just never affected us before this weekend) of closing all sports fields until further notice. The hope is to open them tomorrow but when they were shut down on Friday they were supposed to open today. But the rain hasn't stopped. Nor is it expected to. We're not a city that normally has big flooding problems but that was until the non-stop deluges started.


At least it has warmed up (although we are still on track to post the coldest July since they started record keeping in the 1930s). The beginning of the month was downright frigid. Now at least we're sitting in the mid-20s temperature wise. The unfortunate effect of the that though is that outside weather still sucks but we have to run the air conditioning to say comfortable indoors.

In an effort to make lemons out of lemonade - I'm considering starting an earwig raising business since my backyard now seems to be full of the little dampness loving creatures (ick!).

P.S. You see how in the forecast above it promises sun on Thursday and Saturday - it lies. When I got up this morning it promised sun tomorrow. Yesterday - that promise was for today. They are just playing with our minds. It's an illusion, a mirage. As we get close to the real day they move the sun just out of our reach. Gentle reader, you're not mistaken. I am having a weather breakdown. The rain is causing a psychosis.

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