Friday, May 12, 2006

How things changed and quickly

I wrote my previous post May 11th 2006. Everything changed in 24 hrs. Here is my post from May 13th.

I was having a REALLY bad week. We saw the lawyer on Tuesday and he had nothing but bad news for us. Basically he told us that we could be waiting for up to two months to bring Sam home. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday on a constant verge of tears. Work was insane. I have my second bad cold in less than 3 weeks and it was obvious I wasn't handling the stress well. I made an appointment with my family doctor for this Friday to ask her for some time off work because really I felt so AWFUL. Then last night happened.

Just when you think your load is too difficult to bear God reaches down and lifts off the heaviest log.

Last night I climbed into bed the same time Maya did cause I was feeling crappy. We have a television in the room and Claude came in to join me. We closed the door so that the television wouldn’t disturb Maya. The phone in our bedroom doesn’t ring. Around 8:30 I thought I heard a woman’s voice and muted the television so I could determine the source of the mysterious sound. It had stopped. I chalked it up to background TV noise. Around 10 I hear the voice again – figured it out in time that time. It was our answering machine downstairs picking up because we hadn’t heard the phone. It was Sam’s adoption agency.

They had a meeting with the Children’s Aid yesterday. Sam’s grandmother isn’t handling the strain of this any better than we are. She insisted that things get moving. The CAS caved. They are going to appoint us “provisional foster parents” (I have no idea how they just wave a magic wand and make this happen) so that we can provide “respite care” for J*. We will fly to **** on Tuesday for 8 days and will get to celebrate his first birthday with him on Wednesday. :smile Also, the social worker’s neighbour has left for 2 months and the social worker is watching their house. The neighbour offered that any guests she had could stay there so the social worker has offered us this three bedroom house to stay in while we are there – no hotel! They’ve decided that we will arrange it so that Sam can spend a few nights with us while we are there (so we can be seen as providing real respite care; whatever I get to spend the night with my son :smile). I’m so excited. We’ve already got our plane tickets. All that there is left to do is pack. After we have spent a week in Thunder Bay we will come home and Sam and his grandmother will come up to Ottawa about a week later. So much to do. So little time. Ain’t it great?

I always tell people waiting to be matched not to give into the frustration of it all because it all can change so very quickly. I'm not good at heeding my own advice.

Yesterday, my little boy - looking like a surfer dude - was giggling and laughing in the back seat of the car as we played a modified version of peek-a-boo. I always talk about Sam's temper because it's so hard to deal with. I should talk more about his sense of humour because he can be so amazingly fun. He's a little comedian. He laughs at his own jokes and is just so darn cute. Sigh. Can't believe it's been a year.


onegreyhorse said...

Just wanted to say, I really needed to hear this today. Things are moving quick in terms of homestudy wrapped up and child referrals coming, but we are finding the waiting to find out if we are "chosen" extremely difficult... more difficult each time we go through it. It is good to know that while we don't know when our child is coming, he/she is out there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to pop in and say 'hi'. I could have written that last paragraph myself on my little guy. Congratulations on one year with your little boy.