Monday, November 24, 2008

First Sleep Over

Kamryn had her enrolment ceremony for "Etincelles" (Sparks) last night. Its the Canadian equivalent of Girl Scouts for you guys I think (or whatever 6 year old girl scouts are). Followed by a camp-out in the Church basement - complete with tents! She was SOOOOO excited.

It was a VERY long day for her: piano lessons in the am, followed by a 3 hour gymnastics birthday party and the enrollment ceremony and "sleep"-over. I was nervous leaving her; Kamryn was quite happy though. We picked her up at ten this morning - obviously dead on her feet. When we suggested she skip Basketball this afternoon to sleep the tears started to flow so she is off to basketball - the walking dead.

Some pics:

Lighting her candle (the girl next to her is a Second year escorting her into the "Farandole" (I have no idea what that is in english sorry)).

With her Farandole.

After the ceremony next to her tent.

Really Long “Sam” Whine

This entry was originally a bulletin board post (I normally do this the other way round but didn't this time). I wrote it last week. This week he came home with a note from his teacher saying things are going better – go figure. I don't know what to do or where to go. Going to talk to our Family doctor on Friday regardless.


So the camel's back broke — in several places.


Sam is in trouble on the school bus AGAIN - I can't tell you how many times he has been in trouble since the school year started because I've lost track. The bus driver told my father (who met the bus) Tuesday that "this just can't continue." That was her way of giving a formal warning. He won't stay seated. He won't sit looking forward. And while yelling and benig generally disruptive he is also constantly reporting on what each and every OTHER child on the bus is doing. Seriously he's going to cause an accident.


Things in the classroom aren't much better. Although the teachers are at an advantage because we met with them before school started and coached them in what he needs. Clear, firm rules and consequences. He's not the only kid in the class and they can't watch him constantly. I was waiting/hoping that the teacher would raise the white flag first so that I could take Sam to the doctor and say "look here its not just us". Then Tuesday night, I spent some time going over his school agenda and all the flags are there in what she has written OVER and OVER and OVER again. Not to compare children (even though I'm going to but just to show that the teachers are reasonable as Kamryn isn't perfect) but in three years of school we've never gotten a negative note about Kamryn (in fact last night she had a note raving about the example she sets in class for others). Sam has been in school three months (exact same teacher as Kamryn had in JK) and he has five full pages with an average of 5 notes per page (although one note is really long). And all the notes basically say the same thing. He's been to the principal's office now twice. Daniel has been in to talk to the teacher once (because the volume of notes was getting a little out of control; she said he's working on his "problems"). We will have a formal meeting (Daniel's meeting was impromptu) with her when report cards come out in two weeks but I know exactly what she is going to say (and I'm not looking forward to hearing it). Interestingly at the beginning of the year she made a point of telling all the parents that "with 40 students in two classes, she didn't have the time to write notes and wouldn't unless there was something really pressing."


The school bus driver has had at least 6 discussions with us. We've tried punishment. We tried rewards. We've tried ignoring things. Now we're just going to yell for help. And before I get suggestions that maybe he's just not ready for school let me tell you that things at home... JUST AS BAD.


He has bad days and good days and on the good days things are so enjoyable (last night he cuddled up on the couch next to me while I was playing scrabble and contentedly prattled for an hour about his day pausing to read out the letters on the board and tell me I was going to lose ;)). On the bad days I just want to sob from frustration (this morning started off with him upending his ENTIRE breakfast (wasn't an accident! He was trying to be funny by holding the bowl upside down?!?) on the floor and then claiming innocently how he didn't do anything – ummm…. Did he think I wouldn't notice?). I'm exhausted and I'm frustrated.


He can be the most charming kid one moment and the next ... its just hard. For the entire family (including Sam who I believe really wants to "be good"). The comment we get from school most often is that he is trying really hard (and failing really dismally). The word used most often in his school Agenda is that he is "impulsive."


Sam's birthmother was diagnosed with severe ADHD as a child. Her mother claims it was a misdiagnosis and that what she suffers from is a brain injury. I would argue that despite the brain injury, the ADHD may have been/is an underlying condition. Also and possibly unrelated - his birthmother is an addict (drugs and alcohol) she didn't stop using (drugs not alcohol) until she was around 5 months along. Sam was followed VERY carefully for delays as an infant and has never had ANY. In fact his physical coordination is well ahead of his peers. He speaks two languages and academically he's perfectly where he is supposed to be.


But he has been a behavioural challenge since the very first hour he joined our family (at a year old). You would think we were the meanest parents on the block to watch us with him. He's on a VERY short leash but if you let it out even a little you've lost him (i.e. at 4 ½ he rides in the cart at the grocery store because it's the only way to ensure the entire trip isn't spent telling him: "don't touch this, don't touch that, come here, stop running, if you continue to twirl around you're going to hurt someone, no don't open that!".


We've suspected for many years that "sometime in the future" an ADHD diagnosis may be in order but I've always read that until the age of 6 it is not really possible to diagnose so I have never mentioned anything to our family doctor (that may come back to bite me). I've been waiting. I've tried to be patient but we are ALL miserable. I can't wait any longer. We need to do something now! I was going to call and make an appointment but have decided to wait until we see the doctor for his flue shot next Friday and ask her if he needs to be present or if we should just talk private. I'm terrified that she will tell me that we have to wait another year and a half to put him on a waiting list for even an evaluation. With our socialized medical care system I'm certain there is a waiting list and that its not short. I've made some inquiries on another board and been told that in Canada generally they don't evaluate kids until the age of 7 and that the school won't get involved until 3rd of 4th grade (by then Sam will have been expelled I fear. He certainly won't have any friends and will be "one of THOSE kids".).


I knew nothing about ADHD prior to Tuesday night when I actively started reading up on it. Denial is a strange thing – don't ask, don't tell. I'm stunned by the list of symptoms and how many things describe Sam's behaviour. The big one that got me was excessive crying. I thought he was just that kind of a kid (he cries constantly, loudly and for every little thing imaginable. It's his most annoying trait). It never occurred to me that it could be something beyond his control. For years I've been telling myself that he is all right. He can sit for instance, for an hour and work on a puzzle or play with his cars or even reading a book. Supposedly that's totally normal in ADHD kids as well - who knew.


This is a list of symptoms that I found on one site. There is only one thing on the list (loses things) that if asked to fill out a questionnaire I wouldn't mark as "strongly agree." I'm a little stunned I tell you.


1. Fidgets with hands or feet

2. Squirms in seat

3. Difficulty remaining seated

4. Easily distracted

5. Difficulty awaiting turn in games or group situations

6. Gives answers to questions before they are completed

7. Difficulty following instructions from others

8. Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities

9. Shifts from one uncompleted task to another

10. Difficulty playing quietly

11. Talks excessively

12. Interrupts others

13. Does not seem to listen

14. Loses things

15. Engages in physically dangerous activities without considering the possible consequences


Anyway, wish us luck. I'm hoping the doctor will at least be willing to entertain our desperate need for some time of expert help. You know I'm honestly all right with being miserable with him at home (awful thing to say I know). It just kills me not to be able to run interference for him (which I realize now I've been doing for years) outside the home so that people don't prejudge him as an awful little boy.

Friday, November 07, 2008

And this is where I fall off the NaBloPoMo rollercoaster

I've decided I don't like posting daily. I just don't have that much to say or enough time to say it. I find myself guilty typing each evening with not much to say and this the lamest posts. So I don't think I'm going to try very hard anymore. I guess posting to say I'm not going to post goes against that decision.

I certainly won't tomorrow night though. Tomorrow I'm off to see Spamalot. Going to enjoy myself and kick back - not post. Cheerio.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Halloween candy will be the death of me!

It's so very bad for me but at the same time it's so very good. I just can't help myself I gorge on it every evening. I know I shouldn't but I can't stop. All day long I'm soooooo good and then in the evening I take huge giant steps backwards as I gorge on teeny weeny chocolate bars.

I keep meaning to take them to work and "dispose" or them but I can't. They are too yummy! Save me.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Tomorrow I was supposed to go on a field trip with Kamryn. Her class (and it turns out the rest of the school) is going to a local cinema to see a foreign film (yes I agree it is a weird field trip). I have previously avoided field trips because of the requirement that you speak French while on them. I don't mind speaking French to my kids and murdering the language but I'm shy about others. My French isn't that bad but I'm vain. Anyway I finally got over myself and volunteered to be a chaperone on this trip. Kamryn was VERY excited. She asked me timidly yesterday what would happen if I had to work and her trip was at the same time. I told her that that wouldn't happen. Then I rearranged my entire work day around this trip. This morning she bounded into my room full of excitement to inform me that "our trip" was tomorrow. Then later in the day when an important meeting conflicted with the trip I declined to attend and instead wrote down everything I needed conveyed at the meeting and entrusted someone else to represent my concerns. I decided to work from home tomorrow around the trip. I cleared everything with my boss. All set.

Got home today and there is a note from the teacher. They have too many attendees because while they intended on having grades 4 through 6 go on Friday they've changed it so that the entire school will go tomorrow. Kamryn didn't believe me when I told her that I couldn't attend. Poor kid. I had to show her the note (which she can't read) and promise that I would go on the next trip. The only problem there is that having made a big deal out of this trip it will be difficult (not impossible but I'm asking a lot here) to get the same slack at work for the next trip which is in just two weeks. Not to mention what will happen if for some odd reason they don't need me to chaperone the next trip either (although this seems unlikely). I can't believe that after been so reluctant to participate for SOOOOOO very long (we're going back to preschool here) having finally worked up my nerve I didn't get to follow though. I do feel all googly inside that Kamryn wants me to go with her so badly – I know I don't have very many more years of such intense "mommy-worship" left.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Watching the Race to 270

Wow. I'm beginning to be calm now. I've seen Ohio come in and figure things are a little more certain now although I realize that the way the US system is structured things can change radically very quickly.


While I'm talking about the US system – what the heck?!?


I was chatting with a colleague this morning about people waiting hours to vote. Her comment (and she should know having worked for NGOs election monitoring in East Timor of all places!) "that's what happens in third world countries."


I don't understand how one of the most advanced countries in the world has so much trouble holding an election. Like really – how can people all over the country vote in completely different ways. Makes no sense. Different options. different ways of voting.


It's so simple here. You can register to vote when you file your taxes and before an election your voting card is mailed to you telling you where to go and vote. If you haven't registered that way someone will likely visit your home prior to the election to register you. On election day you go to your polling place where you are given a ballot. You go into the booth, take a pencil and draw and X next to the candidate you want. You then put the ballot in the ballot box. It is exactly the same way in Conception Bay, Newfoundland as it is in Inuktitut, Nunavut or Montreal, Quebec. You MIGHT wait 5 – 10 minutes to vote if you go at a particularly busy time. It's so simple.

Anyway, I going to stop complaining and go and watch all the fun. Going to be a late night.

Got to say it again – wow!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Daylights Savings Time

I do believe it is fair to say that "Fall back" is kicking my fluffy derriere. Sorry this post is all I can manage today. Can't.... keep.... eyes... open a moment longer.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

US Election

I'm very interested in the US election. Transfixed. Six months ago I truly didn't believe that a black man could be elected as US president in my lifetime. I still don't totally believe it and my stomach gets all butterflie when I think of Tuesday. My mother asked me the other day (in jest) who I was going to vote for because I'm watching things so closely and I guess talking about it all a little too much.

Today I tried to explain the whole thing to Kamryn. I try to explain things political to her. This is nothing new; its something I've always done. She, unlike most Canadian elementary school kids, knows who the Prime Minister and the leader of the Opposition is – as does Sam. Its stuff we talk about in kid terms. I thought given her heritage (half Kenyan/half "Canadian") Barack Obama was a particularly appropriate topic. So I tried to explain the whole black-white prejudice thing. Really hard to do in kid terms!

Then I tried to explain Barack Obama. Okay that fell completely flat. Barack Obama, according to my six year old, isn't black. Neither is she. Or her brother. Now she will readily tell you she isn't white either. She is brown. I am black and Papa is pink. Makes me feel kind of warm and happy inside (despite her rejection of her heritage) because it means that no one is teasing her or haranguing her for being "black." At her age, I didn't have it so lucky. Now she is right of course; she isn't black and her race is actually pretty hard to pin down without being given some clues. She's pretty ambiguous so maybe that is the reason for the lack of teasing. Not so her brother though and he was whom she compared to Obama: "he's not black, he's just like Sam and Sam is just like me." Okay ...

As in many of our political conversations, I quit while I was ahead. We'll talk about it again a little later. If the election turns out the way its expected she's going to study this election in history class one day, the way I studied JFK's election and hopefully be a little awestruck.



Saturday, November 01, 2008


Okay so its NaBloPoMo (or whatever) so I guess I should try. Here is a lame post to start off. Lame by its brevity not its cute content. :)

Here are Sam and Kamryn before trick or treating this evening. We had snow on the ground in morning and then by the evening they didn't even need jackets.

Warmest Halloween I've ever experienced and to think we had a snow storm two days ago.

I told them they could be whatever they wanted for Halloween as long as they wore Pirate costumes. In the end they were delighted to be pirates.

You have to click on the photos to see them properly - I don't know why but they are displying funny.