Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Tomorrow I was supposed to go on a field trip with Kamryn. Her class (and it turns out the rest of the school) is going to a local cinema to see a foreign film (yes I agree it is a weird field trip). I have previously avoided field trips because of the requirement that you speak French while on them. I don't mind speaking French to my kids and murdering the language but I'm shy about others. My French isn't that bad but I'm vain. Anyway I finally got over myself and volunteered to be a chaperone on this trip. Kamryn was VERY excited. She asked me timidly yesterday what would happen if I had to work and her trip was at the same time. I told her that that wouldn't happen. Then I rearranged my entire work day around this trip. This morning she bounded into my room full of excitement to inform me that "our trip" was tomorrow. Then later in the day when an important meeting conflicted with the trip I declined to attend and instead wrote down everything I needed conveyed at the meeting and entrusted someone else to represent my concerns. I decided to work from home tomorrow around the trip. I cleared everything with my boss. All set.

Got home today and there is a note from the teacher. They have too many attendees because while they intended on having grades 4 through 6 go on Friday they've changed it so that the entire school will go tomorrow. Kamryn didn't believe me when I told her that I couldn't attend. Poor kid. I had to show her the note (which she can't read) and promise that I would go on the next trip. The only problem there is that having made a big deal out of this trip it will be difficult (not impossible but I'm asking a lot here) to get the same slack at work for the next trip which is in just two weeks. Not to mention what will happen if for some odd reason they don't need me to chaperone the next trip either (although this seems unlikely). I can't believe that after been so reluctant to participate for SOOOOOO very long (we're going back to preschool here) having finally worked up my nerve I didn't get to follow though. I do feel all googly inside that Kamryn wants me to go with her so badly – I know I don't have very many more years of such intense "mommy-worship" left.

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