Wednesday, January 05, 2011


I guess I need a Sam entry. Yes, I have been avoiding it, not wanting to say to much on an essentially public forum because as we’ve discussed in the past there really is no anonymity here.

I will share that yes we got a diagnosis of ADHD (with an emphasis on impulsiveness) from the psychologist. That’s not really a mystery – spend an hour with Sam and it's pretty obvious. There were some surprises within the diagnosis as well though – some promising and some a little disheartening. Let’s just say that Sam has some innate strengths and abilities that should help him manage the deficits he has. He’s quite a complex little guy.

His psychologist is excellent. I really liked her and wish that we could continue to see her. However, she doesn’t do counselling only evaluations and doesn’t feel that, for ADHD, counselling does any good anyways. Still there are questions I still have and as we try different strategies at home and at school it would be most helpful to be able to bounce ideas off someone. One the other hand I have no idea how we’d pay for it all. We maxed out our insurance just getting the evaluations done (there is some spare capacity remaining but not much so I better not crack up this year!). For instance – something small here - Sam has a real facility for puzzles and he really enjoys doing them. I think it might have to do with immediate gratification which he really needs but I don’t know. I’d like to discuss this with the psychologist and get some confirmation (not that its really needed as its pretty obvious) that this is an activity we should focus on.

The psychologist recommended a cushion called a “sit-fit” for Sam to sit on at school as a way to make it easier for him to stay in his chair (something that is a BIG challenge for him). So he went to school with it yesterday with strict instructions that it wasn’t a toy and that if he continued to disrupt the class his teacher would take it. Don’t know how that worked out but no notes from the teacher and hopefully after the newness wears off he won’t focus on it so much (he was a little off the wall excited about it which was worrisome).

We haven’t received a full written report yet from the psychologist. She promised it for the end of this month. We have an appointment with our primary care physician to discuss medication in February – it has been recommended and if our doctor agrees, we will go forward with medication. The pressure is off a little though not because of the overall diagnosis but the little things I learned about Sam. Things indirectly related to the ADHD that I thought he did consciously and now I see and understand that he has absolutely no control over. Things that the psychologist has given us some tools to deal with and others that just understanding that the deficit is there have helped me find creative ways to deal with them.

I think Daniel is still in a dream world though. I just don’t think he gets it (and the two of them are going to drive me round the bend if he doesn’t he doesn’t get it soon). He just rides Sam for every little thing he does wrong – and boy that kid can pile up offenses quickly. Rather than stressing the positive he ALWAYS begins with the negative, which isn’t helping a little boy who comes across as a braggart and a bully but in reality has very little self-esteem. I’m not a saint either and parenting a child like Sam isn’t easy but its obvious that Daniel’s methods aren’t working particularly well so I don’t understand why he persists. I’m trying to get him to read some of the books the psychologist recommended but I feel a little like Sisyphus here. He’s just not a reader (in our entire relationship I’ve never known him to read a book cover to cover – even ones he’s sought out himself; he just never finishes reading them). Small victory in getting him to read a book that we got for Sam (he had to read it to him) called “Mon Cerveau Besoin des Lunettes” (My Brain Needs Glasses) – great book for kids with ADHD by the way. It’s hard to find in English (it was originally written in French – woohoo! a resource in the required language for once) but definitely worth the effort.

As an aside, one of the things we did learn in all the testing is that Sam is definitely a francophone. His receptive language skills in French were ranked at the 8.3 year old level while his English was at the 6.0 year old level (he’s 6 ½) also he doesn’t learn abstract concepts like language easily so working in English (his second language) is not advised. Unfortunately, it's REALLY hard to find resources to help kids with ADHD and some of the other problems Sam has in French. All the support groups, peer sessions etc. are all in English (even the testing materials are hard to come by). Surprising in a city a profoundly bilingual as ours but definitely the reality. It's a little frustrating.

Anyway, we’re fine. Sam is fine and will be all right. It’s going to be a challenging decade (and beyond!) though. And yes, having a diagnosis makes things a lot easier (I no longer feel like a nut case, still a bad parent sometimes but not a nutcase one. ;))


twins said...

Glad that you got the official diagnosis. It is hard to hear, but also validates all you have been going thru. Alex was diagnosed with PDD-NOS (on autistic spectrum) and has a tendancy for ADHD (told my Mom when he was 6m that he had ADHD) I have not yet gone the route of getting that diagnosis as it is easier to get help with the PDD-NOS. But I thinking he is getting to the point of needing meds to help in school (and help The Mommy at home). Would love to hear what you discover with the meds. We have been limiting artificial colors and flavors and see a big help in his impulsivity with this. I know my hisband has a hard time dealing with all the chalanges that come with a special-needs kid, but we just need to guide them into seeing/doing thing in a different/more productive way.

Good luck with all of this.

Running Potato said...

I’m really eager to see what kind of differences the meds make. At the same time I’m VERY nervous about side-effects. Still, we’re at a point with school, extra-curricular activities and just at home that I don’t see us really having a choice. The psychologist told us she thought it was vital to saving his self-esteem. I’m afraid Daniel thinks the pills will cure everything and we’ll have a perfect child on our hands.

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I have been a lurker since TLOL, but have not commented yet.

My second son was diagnosed with ADD (no hyperactivity in his case) and has been medicated for the past 18 months. Like you I was very reluctant at first, but after many of the testings he underwent, they concluded that during a typical day at school he was able to absorb information for only 30-45 minutes each, I felt that I didn't really have a choice. He has been taking concerta and the change is amazing. I took a while to find the right dose for him, but since then he has very little side effects. The main one has been a loss of appetite, but we give him a very full breakfast before the takes his medication and give him substantial snacks in the evening when hes meds wear off.

We are on the other side of the river from you and we have been lucky to find good resources in French. He goes to weekly session with a "orthopédagogue" at a clinic and they have been a tremendous help. The school also has an "orthopédagogue" who works with him 3 times a week. These specialists really focus on work strategies and making take charge of his success, which are methods I agree with. I hope Sam school can work with him as well, when the school is invested in a kids success it makes such a difference.

We are bilingual family as well and the two languages were an additional difficulty for my son who, in addition to ADD, is also dyslexic. To help him, my husband started to communicate with him in French instead of English and it seems to be helping. Apparently French is easier than English for kids suffering from dyslexia (Italian is even easier, but definitely not an option for us!).

Good luck!


Running Potato said...

Hi Nancy,

Thanks for the encouraging comments. The psycologist told us that the french school boards have excellent resources developed out of need because there were none in the community. So we went to the school board but so far I haven't been impressed. We have spoken extensively with the school social worker (who will meet with Sam once a week for a counselling session re: behaviorial difficulties at school). She told us that she would set up a play group at school to help teach him the social skills he lacks now. That's a start at least. Many of the online resources she referred us to are Quebec-based - just isn't anything in Ontario but she did put us in touch with the Centre Psycho-social, a municipal/provincially-funded organization that may help. I've explored their website but haven't done much else yet.

We're lucky in that so far Sam doesn't seem to have any real learning difficulties although he isn't testing as well academically (he's testing at grade-level) as his IQ (which is above average but not in the gifted range) suggests he should so there may be a hidden disability that we can't see yet. Of course the ADHD is getting in the way of him learning effectively as well. Daniel has always spoken to Sam in french but we are making an extra effort now to reenforce his french language skills and to encourage him to use his french more so that we have some assurance that he understands what we are telling him (Sam sees English as some sort of badge of honour and prefers being ultimately confused to asking for an explanation in french).

Thanks also for the comments about drugs. The appetite thing weighs heavily on my mind. Sam easily outeats me now. He can really pack it away and still he's super thin - skin stretched over quite a big frame (I have trouble finding shirts in what should be his size that still button around his chest). I worry that he won't maintain his growth without his currently insatiable appetite. Sounds like you have a good way of handling that though. I'll keep it in mind.

Thanks again. Cheers.

Sandra said...

Sorry about the diagnosis. I'm sure that's hard to hear. My youngest was evaluated for dyslexia and attention related stuff recently, but no report back yet.

Wanted to add that I met a couple in December with a child who has Aspergers. Similar attention problems with ADHD. They said his teacher recommended the entire class twiddle their thumbs (keeps them busy and less squirmy) in class while listening to the teacher. It's helped A LOT! Suggest twiddling. :)

Good luck. It's great your doing so much for him. He's a lucky boy to have you. :)