First, I love comments. :) Makes me feel loved. I love you guys.
Our computer is in our dining room (beautifully furnished as my house is lol) which is open to the living room. Out our front window, when I look over my shoulder from this seat all I see is my neighbour's house. It fills the window. I'm hoping that when the weather warms up I can grab her one day and ask her how it's going without being too pushy. Give her an open door that she can come through if she wants to. I actually was going to drop her an e-mail, which is the easiest way I know to be unobtrusive but my laptop died a month ago with ALL my e-mail address. I have them saved somewhere else but it will be pain to retrieve them. I guess I have to unlazify myself.
I forget that most people reading my blog aren't Canadians and aren't into "Canadaspeak." We are obsessed here with what language people speak.
Fran·co·phone or fran·co·phone: A French-speaking person, especially in a region where two or more languages are spoken.
An·glo·phone also an·glo·phone: An English-speaking person, especially one in a country where two or more languages are spoken.
We also have:
Allophone: A person whose native language is other than French or English.
Interestingly for allophone, when you look it up in the dictionary it is actually listed (with this specific definition) as a uniquelly "Canadian" word. Daniel regularly claims to be an allophone as he is a french speaking person NOT born in Quebec (the PROPER birthpalce of all french at least according to Quebecers). He complains that they would complain his french isn't french enough.
Hot August Nights
5 years ago
Thank you for explaining that to me. I was lost!
Ooh! I just got a hit to my journal from yours! I see that you posted me as a friend (again!). Thanks! I love you almost as much as I love my favorite new word, "allophone."
2 weeks and no new post??? c'mon!!! LOL
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