It has been bothering me for some time that I typed "hypen" instead of "hyphen" when I created this blog. It's a typo born out of haste and impulsivity rather than a spelling mistake and I really need to fix it or go mad.
I'll do it soon but I needed a way to warn people so they can still find me - as riveting as my writing is I'm afraid I'm going to lose people. :(
There is some meaning behind "hyphen haven" but you'd have to "know" me offline to understand. It has to do with the total ridiculousness of my name. Through no fault of my own (well some fault as I screwed up my last name completely on my own with no help from anyone) I have ended up with an extremely long name with hyphens in BOTH my first and last names.
First name well that was my parents fault. My last name... well I can blame them too. I need to blame them for something. When I was getting married I really wanted to be "Mrs. T." but I also didn't want to give up my place at the front of the alphabet. Having a last name that begins with A is so very convenient. So not wanting people to think I'm crazy and make fun of me behind my back I figured I would simply change my name. I would elminate the hypen from my first name and just squish the two names together (they would have squished together just fine) and I would hypenate my last name giving me the freedom to use both or either of my last "names" as I liked. My parents freaked when I told them my plans for my first name. "We chose your name very carefully, we protected it all these years" yada yada yada. Okay so trying to please everyone I left all the hypens where they were. Now I have a double barrelled first and last name and well ... people think I'm nuts. They do not though as I fear talk behind my back about it. They are quite up front with their opinions and regularly laugh in my face - total strangers even! Sometimes I explain. Sometimes I just smile. When I introduce myself I tend to dump the latter part of both names - eventually they find out me "real" name but it makes introductions less cumbersome.
Anyway that's how/why I picked the url for this blog. Kind of ironic considering I have changed all names in this blog to protect the innocent (whoever they may be). I am, by the way, reconsidering that decision as I seem to be very bad at sticking to that plan.
Hot August Nights
5 years ago
1 comment:
Wait! It says "hypen?!" Without a clue about the meaning, I have read it as "hyphen" all along. You shouldn't have said anything! :-)
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