Friday, June 10, 2011

New Blog

I have a new blog. Not that I'm abandonning this one despite my dirge of posts.

All in all there isn't much to write about here. Things are going fine. We've had some ups and downs lately with regards to Sam (mostly downs which is the problem). I think his medication needs to be adjusted but then again there is only a few weeks left of school. I don't know how much of his behavior can be attributed to ADHD and how much to end of school antsyness. It doesn't help that he finished his grade one curriculum last month and is now basically doing busy work - not the best situation for a boy that needs to be constantly engaged. As we only have two weeks of school left I figured I would let things ride. We already have an appointment set to see his doctor at the end of the month anyway. Also he has periods where he is an absolute angel once he's gotten into enough trouble. I know its hard for him but he is capable of following the classroom rules when he decides he needs to me. Steam, at times, comes out of my ears.

Something disturbing me more and more is the disappearance of his grandmother. She has really disappeared, we know where she is, but she has limited contact so severely I worry something must be up. She missed Christmas and his birthday but somehow remembered to send him something for Easter (his birthday followed Easter)? She's an alcoholic and I wonder if she is drinking. She doesn't call and its just strange. I feel really bad for Sam because he misses her. This kind of behavior is exactly why we weren't enthusiastic over the idea of regular contact with his birthmother (not that it was ever going to happen given her lifestyle anyway). In the end she has been the stable one (well kind of she remembered his birthday but not Christmas). Right now when Sam asks after his Nana we just try to brightly explain that she is very busy and lives very far away. Don't know what more I can say?

He asked us if he was adopted a few months back. Ummm... ya. Poor kid. Just goes to show what they know and what they understand is so totally different. It also highlights Sam's problems with understanding the abstract. Kamryn just understood (she gave her brother a "duh" when he asked the question) but Sam who never asks about adoption knew but obviously didn't understand. We talked about his birthfamily and our family and how if you had a birthfamily and another family you were adopted. He had the parts right he just didn't know how everything fit together.

Anyway, we're all fine.

And I've started running. Well not really. Over three days I've run for a total of 15 minutes but as that is 15 times more than I've run in the last year we're doing well. I've embarked on a couch to 5 K program. I will quit unless others know what I'm doing. I need the peer pressure so I wrote a blog ( If you do pop over to read about how pathetically out of shape it is possible for a healthy individual to get please don't mention this blog. Thanks all.