Kamryn found a caterpillar yesterday. She played with it/watched it for a few minutes, named it "Lulu" and then killed it. Her reasoning for imposing the death sentence on this poor hapless creature: "Well, it was a little bit sick..."
Later that evening when I was putting Dr. Kevorkian to bed she waxed on about poor Lulu. How she will never again find a caterpillar like Lulu and how Lulu was her BEST friend. It was all I could do to make it out of her room before collapsing in laughter.
Today at preschool what did they make for their craft? Caterpillars. I had to laugh.
Good news on the preschool front Sam has been admitted for the Fall. He will do summer camp with Kamryn through July and August and then start regular preschool (no different than summer camp as far as I can tell except I don't have to pack him a snack) Sept 6th. He's so little. It will be good for him though.
Hot August Nights
5 years ago
I can barely type as I am peeing my pants laughing here....
Hilarious! That's sure to become a classic family story!
Allegro- watch out for your names in this post!
Laughing at loud of the vision of her squishing the caterpillar! Poor Lulu.
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